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At William Penn Primary School we work hard to provide a rich environment in which we encourage and value creativity. Art Education has two strands: creation and evaluation. The creative element lets children use materials and equipment to represent objects realistically and imaginatively, and to express ideas and feelings. The evaluation enables pupils to develop skills in evaluating their own work and that of other artists and to understand the value and significance of art in society.

The curriculum has appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding to explore, create and evaluate artwork as set out in the National Curriculum. 

We seek to provide a balanced and progressive programme of art for all children throughout the school and to build on previous experience and extend capabilities. We link our art planning to the topic being studied, however sometimes it is necessary to teach skills separately before they are used in topic work to ensure progression within the Art curriculum. We want art to be enjoyed inside and outside of school and link it to our outdoor learning. We encourage art creativity in the playground run by children to enable art activities during playtimes.


At William Penn we support our SEND learners by:

  • Using Art tools made of specific materials to support sensory processing. This might include different sized brushes or pencil grips.
  • Provide concrete resources to help with line drawing and drawing to scale.
  • Ensure the child knows the support available on offer before the lesson begins. 
  • Use simple, specific instructions that are clear to understand.
  • Pre-teach vocabulary. Displayed clearly in the room and referred to during the delivery of the unit.