Welcome to the William Penn School website. Individual tours of the school are available for prospective parents. Contact the school using the office email: office@williampenn.co.uk or telephone on 01403 741274.

Clubs and Extra-Curricular Activities

We have clubs available at William Penn which are dependent upon the numbers of pupils interested. For more information about the clubs that are currently available, please ask the office in person or by email on office@williampenn.co.uk.

Sports clubs: 

Tag Rugby, Dance, Football, and Fencing. 


Music clubs:

Brass instruments, Piano, Flute, Choir and Guitar.

*These music lessons take place during school hours and need to be arranged online via West Sussex Music at https://www.westsussexmusic.co.uk/page.cfm?title=home


We also offer drama club, clay crafting, eco green club, maths club and multi skills club!

Pupils also have the opportunity to attend sports matches and other inter-school events such as the Mathematics Challenge.

All clubs and activities are booked and paid for via the My Child At School (MCAS) app. If you require assistance with this please contact the school office.

Email: office@williampenn.co.uk or phone: 01403 741274

Contact us and enrol your child today!