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English underpins our learning at William Penn Primary School. We enable children to become effective communicators by developing their spoken and written skills. We promote a love of reading and writing by using a selection of rich and varied storybooks to fully engage with a wide range of learners. Our carefully planned and sequenced curriculum, underpinned by inclusive practice, provides all children with opportunities to build on their experiences as they become independent readers and writers.

Early Years Foundation Stage

Reading is taught through shared reading, using large print books and picture books. Pupils are taught the process of reading; learning that words and pictures have meaning. Through a range of practical activities children learn familiar stories. Pupils explore skills such as sequencing, prediction and retrieval. Using the Read, Write Inc phonics programme our pupils are taught the initial sounds.

In Key Stage 1

In Key Stage 1 we use Read, Write Inc for our phonics programme. Sessions are differentiated through attainment groups. The children will be heard reading individually and in groups. Reading is taught through a shared reading approach. Pupils explore vocabulary, prediction, sequencing, making inferences and retrieving information. In Year 1 and 2, pupils are taught writing through a whole class approach using provide rich and varied storybooks. Pupils explore vocabulary, prediction, sequencing, making inferences and retrieving information.  

In Key Stage 2

In Key Stage 2 we teach reading through a scheme called Hooked on Reading. This is a whole class approach that helps children to build deep and rich reading comprehension understanding.

Pupils explore vocabulary, prediction, sequencing, making inferences and retrieving information, ensuring that they are able to make justified responses using evidence from the text.

In addition to this, pupils explore a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts and online sources in their foundation lessons, which are based around texts linked to the topic being studied. For writing, we use a range of novels which are closely linked to the theme of the term using the Power of Reading. We put quality children’s literature at the heart of our English curriculum which develops reading comprehension and writing composition, and fosters a whole school love of reading and writing. We raise engagement and attainment in language, vocabulary, reading and writing and our lessons meet all the requirements of the National Curriculum.


All children will have access to word mats with high frequency spellings on, special pencil grips, slanted writing slopes, reader pens etc. They will be encouraged to make mistakes as having a growth mindset is key to becoming confident writers. Children will also be offered bespoke support when writing either through adult support or through scaffolding provided for by the teacher. There will be opportunities for pre-teaching. We also provide the children with visual tools to help them with their learning.