Welcome to the William Penn School website. Individual tours of the school are available for prospective parents. Contact the school using the office email: office@williampenn.co.uk or telephone on 01403 741274.


School uniform, with the school logo, can be bought from Broadbridges, Piries Place, Horsham. To view their website, follow the link below:
It can also be purchased online from MyClothing

School Uniform List


White polo shirt (preferably with the school logo)

Grey trousers or shorts

Red William Penn sweatshirt (with logo)

Grey Socks 

Red William Penn fleece (with logo) – optional

Black school shoes (no trainers please)


White polo shirt (preferably with the school logo)

Grey skirt/pinafore

Grey trousers

White socks

Red or white tights

Red William Penn sweatshirt or cardigan (with logo)

Red William Penn fleece (with logo) – optional

Black school shoes (no trainers please)

PE Kit – This should be worn to school on the child’s PE days

Our PE policy includes guidelines from WSCC relating to clothing and jewellery.


Red William Penn T-shirt (with logo)

White or black PE shorts

Track suit for outdoor, winter wear (no hoodies)


No jewellery (other than plain gold/silver ear-rings studs and exceptions detailed in the Uniform Policy)

Shoulder length hair and longer should be tied back.


Nail varnish is not permitted


Art overall (old adult shirt)