Welcome to the William Penn School website. Individual tours of the school are available for prospective parents. Contact the school using the office email: office@williampenn.co.uk or telephone on 01403 741274.


Research repeatedly shows that the more time pupils spend in lessons, the more they learn! Research also links improved wellbeing with higher levels of attendance at school. 

  • There are thirteen weeks of school holidays for pupils.
  • The loss of learning due to holidays in school time can add up over the course of a pupil’s career.

Absences will only be authorised if this request is made in advance of the dates your child will be absent from school AND if the circumstances of the absence are exceptional. There is no entitlement to take a child out of school for a family holiday. Whether the absence is exceptional is at the head teacher’s discretion based on their assessment of the situation. A weeks’ absence for holiday and a weeks’ absence for illness would give an attendance figure below 95%. The government considers attendance below 95% unacceptable.

While some of the absence may be unavoidable if they are due to illness or medical appointments it is imperative that we all work together to improve the life chances of our children through school attendance. 

For those children whose attendance falls below 90%, their parents will be invited in to discuss their attendance and ways in which we can support to improve this. We will obviously take into consideration pupils with long term diagnosed medical conditions/disabilities.

An absence from learning form must be completed for any type of absence from school, e.g. doctors, dentist or holiday.

No holidays will be authorised. If a child's absence goes over 5 days/10 sessions then the following WSCC guidance will be followed and you will receive a Fixed Penalty Notice fine, FPN. (Please see link below explaining FPN's).