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Weald Locality Agreed Aims and Principles for Assessment

Assessment is at the Heart of Teaching and Learning

Assessment provides evidence to guide and inform teaching and learning. It provides opportunities for for pupils to demonstrate and review their progress. We teach peer and self-assessment to students. 

Assessment Outcomes Provide Meaningful and Understandable Information for:

  • Pupil learning development
  • Parents supporting children with their learning
  • Teachers in planning teaching and learning 
  • School leaders and governors in planning and allocating resources

Assessment is Fair and Honest

  • Assessment is inclusive of all abilities
  • Assessment is free from bias towards external factors 
  • Assessment outcomes are conveyed in an open, honest and transparent way that assist pupils with their learning
  • There are regular standardisation opportunities for all teachers
  • Assessment judgments are moderated by experienced professionals to ensure their accuracy
  • There are regular opportunities for layered moderation within schools and across key stages
  • There are regular opportunities for teachers to engage in professional discussions about the child, in pupil progress meetings

Assessment is Ambitious

  • Assessment places achievement in context against nationally standardised criteria
  • Assessment embodies a pathway of progress and development for every child
  • Assessment objectives set high expectations for learners

Assessment is Appropriate

  • The purpose of assessments is clearly stated
  • Conclusions regarding pupil achievement are valid when the assessment method is appropriate (to age, to the task and to the desired feedback information)
  • Assessment draws on a wide range of evidence to provide a complete picture of student achievement
  • Observation is a valued source of assessment information
  • A balance of assessment evidence is used to make formative and summative judgments
  • Teachers’ in depth knowledge of pupils allows them to make professional ‘best fit’ judgments

Assessment is Consistent

  • A school’s results are capable of comparison with other schools, both locally and nationally
  • There are diagnostic IT recording and tracking programs enabling analysis of assessment outcomes