Welcome to the William Penn School website. Individual tours of the school are available for prospective parents. Contact the school using the office email: office@williampenn.co.uk or telephone on 01403 741274.

Admissions New Starters

Welcome new parents to William Penn School.
We offer a very special welcome to all parents that are new to our school. We encourage you to take some time looking through the website as it is likely to contain the information that you need. 
To make life easier, we have brought some of that information together in one place here. For example, all the forms that are sent out at the beginning of the school year are included in the section of the website. However, please remember that if you can't find what you need, please to contact the school office for guidance.
Times of the School Day
New starters begin and end the school day at the same time as other pupils unless by arrangement with the school.
This means that children should arrive at school between 8.35 am and 8.45 am. Schools finishes at 3:15pm.
Friends Club is William Penn's Wraparound provision wherein parents can pay for their child to start school at 8am and stay until 5:30pm. 
School uniform can be purchased at Broadbridges in Piries Place Horsham. Please make sure that all items of uniform are named as we do not keep a lost property in school and items found will be returned directly to the child. The school holds a small selection of second hand school uniform which is available to view on request. If you would like to view this, please contact the office on office@williampenn.co.uk. Please follow the link below to our uniform page with further information.
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free hot lunch. These are ordered through the ParentPay app or website. Please follow the link to find out more about how the lunch system operates and current menus.
What to bring on the first day?
On the first day of school your child will need to bring a water bottle (named) and a school bag. The PE kit will be required in the first week so it is useful to have this on the first day too. If it is hot weather, please apply sun cream before school and bring a sun hat. If your child requires medication, please ensure that this is in school and that the appropriate forms have been completed in the school office.
In order to make your child's birthday even more special, it is permitted for children to wear non-uniform on birthdays. Some children bring in cakes or sweet treats for distribution at the end of the day on the playground. We do not allow these to be distributed during school time, because of parental preference and allergy considerations. There is certainly no expectation that such treats are brought in.
Fruit and Milk 
Children who are not yet 5 years old are supplied with free school milk which they can drink at 10.15 am just before break time. Children over 5 years can still receive milk at a charge to the parents from the supplier (Coolmilk for School).
All children in Key Stage 1 are offered a free piece of fruit at this time.
Topic Webs and Week by Week Overviews
In order to follow and support your child's learning through the year we include topic webs and week by week overviews under the Teaching and Learning tab or via the link below. These are working documents and subject to change. 
Term Dates
Please see the Term Dates via the link below.
Diary Dates
Please see the Diary Dates for the current academic year in the document below.
We hope this is a warm and welcoming introduction but if you have any other queries please contact us at office@williampenn.co.uk or call us on 01403 741274. We look forward to meeting you and your child.
Below are some additional documents to help with enrolment.